Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Love Sucks

Feeling a little broken hearted today. Strange. I was riding home on the bus a few nights ago eavesdropping on the conversation behind me. This boy, he must have been 16 or 17, was on his cell phone telling his friend he never wanted to fall in love again. He couldn't imagine ever having to go through that kind of pain again. Word. Who hasn't been there? When I was 17 all I wanted was to fall in love. All my friends started dating before me. Wisconsin was not a kind place to me. And when I did start dating, it was a disaster. Love is never like TV says it should be. I'd like to say that it's gotten better, and maybe if you ask me another day, I could give you a different opinion, but in this moment, I am little tired of the emotional roller coaster. I think it would suck never to fall in love again, but it's kind of shitty either way. I want things to be simple, but they aren't, so here is what I wrote, my hate poem to love:

You are the indelible shadow on my heart
the bruise that doesn't fade,
the wound that bleeds cyclically,
my stigmata,
my good thing gone bad,
my best thing I wish I had never had,
the black star
on my iris
clouding my innervisions
You are a collection of my worst decisions
the division between sobriety and stupidity
the antidote to the simplicity
of an existence that is drama free
You are the Seth to my Osiris
ripping through me
shredding the fabric of my self esteem
You are the chaos that rains on my fire
until I feel small and squelched
and not in control
You asked me to dance
and I thought I said no.
Maybe I said yes...
but the answer was no
I'll say it louder the next time
I feel the seductive pull of you
the kiss on a bare shoulder
a warm hand
at the base of my spine
fireworks in my night sky
The haze of unspecified desire
won't move me to speak your name
I know you're a liar
Every time, you promise
to take me higher,
but elevation
is just a temporary levitation
before the crash.
I'm not afraid of heights
I just hate the fall.

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