Sunday, March 30, 2008

Coco's 30th Birthday Bash

We celebrated Coco's 30th birthday last night. Coco believes that her birthday is not just a time for her to receive gifts and to celebrate with her friends, but also a time for her to give back and celebrate her friendships. Not only did she treat us all to an elaborate dinner complete with a mini wine tasting (with wine pre-ordered to our individual tastes), but she also gave us each gifts and hand written cards thanking us for this year and every year of our friendship. I was so touched and happy to be a part of the community of fabulous women in Coco's inner circle.

2 years from 30 and 7 years into my friendship with Coco, I find myself in awe of her generosity, content with how our friendship has blossomed and curious about my own impending shift from one decade into another. We never cease to find new ways to mark time, each day another transition, another step towards one thing and away from another.

What does it mean to be 30? Is it just a number, or is it really the gateway into another phase of life. I am kind of hoping for the latter. My early 20s were all about exploration of the world and myself, testing my boundaries, learning my likes and dislikes, and traveling as much as possible. At 28, I've found myself returning to my writing and spiritual contemplation. I have a kind of career, but it's not really what I want to be doing. I'm not married and I thankfully have no children. I think about my mom. By 28 she had been married to my Dad for 3 years and was clear about her professional aspirations. By 30 I was born. I know that you can't really compare lives, given that there are so many varying factors that contribute to who you are, where you are, and what you're doing with what you've got, but I can't help feeling like I should be further along in the plan by now.

Rather than turn this into yet another mopey diatribe about how far I am from who and what I had hope to be by 30, I'd prefer to stick to the celebratory spirit of the moment. Coco, a toast to you: to a lady who is as brilliant and she is beautiful, as classy as she is fun, and as generous as she is caring...Salud and Happy 30! May your path be lined with winning lotto tickets, lots of time to have pho and tea, and a fabulous new space to live in. May you find everything you've been searching for in addition to some fabulous surprises along the way. And may our friendship continue for many years to come.

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