Monday, August 18, 2008

What happened in Vegas...29 and Fabulous

I arrived in Vegas on the 10th, approximately 15 minutes before my official b-day. My original plan was to turn 29 on the beaches of Cuba...but as per usual my champagne and caviar tastes weren't quite supported by my tuna fish budget. No worries though, I had a plan B, Vegas for the first time...only 8 years later than I originally planned to go...accompanied by the ever amusing Mz. Blu. Well, through technical difficulties and what I see as a conspiracy on the part of the Universe, I ended up on plan C, a solo trip which means most of what happened in Vegas will stay witnesses :).

What I will say, is that I had a fabulous time. Through another quirk of the Universe (oh such a fabulous sense of humor!)I had no hotel room until my actual b-day, meaning I had to pull an all-nighter. I was prepared for this, though admittedly it's been a while since I was nocturnal to that degree. After a quick stop at the Mirage (my luxurious home base) to check my luggage and change into my fabulous red dress, I headed to the Wynn Hotel. Coco knew somebody, who knew somebody, who put me on the VIP list at Tryst, so my second stop from the airport was the it should be.

Vegas first impressions:
1)There really are slot machines in the airport!
2)Everything is so big and well lit.
3)I've never seen so many big-breasted women in my life!
4)Was that really Tom Jones or just a look alike?

Tryst: Picture a rap video filled with scantily clad big busted white women in black lingerie or minuscule tan flapper dresses fringed with pearls. Add in red couches, break dancers, and a 3 story waterfall, and that is Tryst. I had a $12 rum and coke, vowing not to pay for another drink, and then I danced and danced taking breaks to sit and people watch. Going to the club alone is always a little awkward, but I knew myself enough to know I had to commit to having fun in advance. Usually you get what you expect, so I expected the best and yeah, it was fun.

Left Tryst around 3ish. It was time to change shoes. Hit the Mirage again and won $25in the Penny slots. Then I did a random walking tour checking out the Bellagio, Treasure Island, Caesar's Palace, Paris, and an assortment of other phatty hotels and casinos. Everything is so big, it's not like they're as close as they look, but I had some time and it was nice to walk. I watched the sun come up over the strip, had breakfast in Paris, and took a nap by a pool. By the time I was ready to check in, I had found a mall and I seriously felt like I had been in Vegas for 3 days.

I spent the rest of b-day napping and shopping. Then I took myself out for steak at Kahunaville where there was a bartender competition where the bartenders did all sorts of tricks (like something out of the movie Cocktail) like juggling multiple bottles and balancing bottles on their noses. That's the thing about Vegas, it is all about entertainment. The bathroom is the only slot machine free zone, after a while I felt like hiding out there just to avoid the sound.

I saw some more sights, gambled, shopped, had delicious food, watched the Olympics on the flat screen TV in my super stylish room, went out on a date, read, walked, watched some great free shows and so stupid free shows, and in general enjoyed my own company. But the ultimate highlight of my trip was going to KA by Cirque du Soleil. Words fail to describe how kick ass this show was. It was expensive but worth every penny. I saw things I'd never seen before. I literally felt the wind knocked out of me watching them perform these super human feats, and so gracefully. Between the ever evolving sage and the dramatic costumes, trapeze stunts and the rolling cages, I was completely and totally floored.

Though Vegas is one big festival of distractions and entertainment designed to keep your mind and money occupied, I was surprised to find myself having some moments of clarity. Even with the never ending ching of slot machines, I had some time to think about my year and my life. There have been so many changes and I know that there are many more to come, so my birthday wish for 29 is to weather these changes with grace and agility, to accept the sometimes strange gifts of the universe with joy and wonder, and to fully love and embrace the person I am, the person I am becoming, and the space of unique and beautiful choices I am creating everyday. Blowing out the candles now.

1 comment:

Mind Training said...