Monday, August 4, 2008

Universal Blockage + Entertaining 1st Date

Last week Mz Blu, Shewhodancesallthetime, and I hit up the War Room for what we thought would be reggae night, but ended up being 80s night. It started out as another frustrating evening of so so music and so so dudes. After the first 2 hours, the only two people who hit on me were a midget from Nicaragua and a very scary white lesbian. I was cranky and drinking, a bad combo, but it was nice to be moving my body and Mz Blu, as always, provided serious comic relief by pelting Shewhodancesallthetime with ice cubes and performing the off-beat dance (so common around these parts). It was around then that we met some gentlemen from the Navy in town for Seafair. They were an interesting bunch and one of them was cute, so I attempted to talk to him. He was also dumb as a rock (such a waste), but it was fun dancing anyway and that is how I ended up meeting the Entertainer. When I say meet, I mean that in a very loose way because I spent most of my time meeting the dumb rock, but it was the Entertainer...totally seperate, non-military, and random guy who ended up with my number. He called the next day and we had our first date yesterday.

Backing up to why this is all so funny. Mz Blu refers to that night, as my temper tantrum with the Universe because I was so irritated by what I was manifesting that I cussed out the Universe. I do want to date, but I have standards and what I realized when looking at the nice abs and vacant expression of the dumb rock is that I am really not trying to compromise my standards and that, while limiting, is totally a good thing.

Greta, Shoshana and I visited CSL yesterday and the whole theme was about forgiveness. The sermon made some great points one of which is that the Universe never blocks you from anything. If there is a block, you are creating it. That was hard to hear, but true so I thought about that in regards to my whole dating / non-dating thing and realized that I was ready to be unblocked.I forgave myself and moments later,I was on my way to Rain for sushi with the Entertainer.

First dates are always kind of awkward, it's the equivilant of a romantic job interview, particularly when you are meeting that person for the first time sober, but we did have some good convo on the phone before hand so I was more excited than nervous for sushi and chillin. As per usual, I was ultra punctual. I actually tried to wait so that we would arrive around the same time, but he got a little lost, having never really been to Wallingford, and was hella late. So there I was sitting there alone long enough so that the bartender gave me a free drink, but the whole time the Entertainer was texting me, so it wasn't too bad. He arrived smelling good and dressed well. Turns out he has a degree in sociology, works for a bank and used to be a stand up comic.

Meanwhile, Rain had a really big weekend, so they had begun running out of things from tuna to limes. We had to keep changing our order. We did get some free sushi out of it because the owner felt bad, but that is when the comedy kicked in. The first part of the date went well. I felt comfortable. He is totally chatty and funny, then after a few drinks, I feel like the date shifted from a date to a skit...hence he will be known as the Entertainer. While he was funny, and I was properly entertained, I liked it better when we were just talking and he wasn't performing. After dinner we took a walk and hung out some more. It is possible that there will be a second date...I guess it's kind of a case of getting what you wish for though. Now that I've broken the dating seal I'm not sure of what I hope to accomplish. I mean I guess you don't have to know exactly what you want at every moment of everyday, but it would be nice. For now I am content for having met someone pretty cool and taken a chance on a little romance, as cheesy as that may be.

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