Friday, July 2, 2010

Leaving Seattle

Was it almost a year ago already that I was preparing for my first trip to Ghana...buying malaria pills, filling out visa forms, and trying to imagine what it would be like to see for myself this place that had been so pivotal in my mother's life? And when we came back, I knew that it would be my last year working at my beautiful little school, not because I didn't enjoy it, but rather because I already somehow outgrown it. It was a strange way to start the year...a bit like reading the end of a book before the beginning, but there have been a lot of surprises along the way.And as the journey has unfolded, I've realized repeatedly how much I have to learn about how life works and what I'm supposed to be doing on this planet.

This week's big lesson has been how to act with integrity even when you want to punch somebody in the face...not sure I've mastered it, but I didn't punch anybody, so I suppose that's a start. Wednesday was the day of Mz. Blu and my big move. I spent all last week packing boxes and trying to consolidate things worth keeping. While I admit to having lots of books, I don't really think of myself as having a lot of stuff. This myth was disproved as I tried to shove all my belongings in a storage box...some things had to go. But eventually I packed it all up and then helped Mz. Blu get her stuff moved. Then our asshole landlords decided they wanted to see how much of the deposit they could rip us off for. Apparently removing glitter from the porch stairs requires $120. After several arduous hours of moving and cleaning, I had run out of patience. I kind of lost my temper, but I did get my entire deposit back so at least that part is over. Endings never quite go the way I think they will. That's another lesson learned. But throughout it all I have been so grateful for all the support. My community has once again shown me that generosity has no bounds. Especially Mr. Davis who not only helped us through moving hell, but then set up my entire art show, entrusted me with his car and gave me a lovely space to chill in for my remaining day in Seattle.

Though I hadn't really been thinking about this trip as the end of something, it actually is. Seattle is still my home in so many ways...if home is where your couch lives or where you friends are or just where you know which buses go where, but I know that when I come back it won't be the same. I won't be the same and I'm okay with that. So now I'm going to repack my suitcase and head to Portland for part one of the adventure. Stay tuned.

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