Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crazy AZ

This state is nuts. Every time I turn on the news there is something even more insane happening. Last time I was here they passed some radical crime prevention legislation allowing licensed gun owners to take their guns into restaurants ostensibly to prevent criminals from stealing them while their having dinner. Did I mention all it takes to get a concealed weapons permit in this state is to be over 21, have proof of US citizenship, and not be a convicted felon (though if you are if you get it expunged you're still a viable candidate).

And then there was the time they thought it might be a good idea to find out where illegal immigrants are living and cut their electricity off. Now if that happened in Seattle, it would be bad, but here especially during the last few days of 115 degree heat, it could be fatal. That one didn't go through fortunately, but everyday these crazy conservatives seem to come up with more and more extreme measures to separate "us from them". I just want to remind them that unless they are Native American, many of their ancestors were illegal immigrants too. What shocks me...besides the fact that these lunatics actually keep getting voted into their appalling lack of compassion. Let's cut medical care. If an illegal immigrant gets ill or hurt, they shouldn't be allowed medical treatment....where is the humanity in that? I mean why do people come to this country anyway? Mostly in search of opportunity, to help their families, to earn a decent living, or in some case to escape persecution...sounds kind of like why all those pilgrims came and founded this country in the first place. We are a nation of immigrants.

And now there is SB1070, one of the most bigoted, aggressively anti-immigrant legislation to be passed yet. I skimmed through it (more than I can say for most of the so-called journalist reporting on it) and the gist is that they want to make it "really" illegal for illegal immigrants to reside in AZ. It's redundant to say the least and inhumane on multiple levels. I was happy to hear that before this goes into effect tomorrow, US District Judge Susan Bolton went through and blocked the most egregious parts, not that it will actually change anything as our local law enforcement official have sworn to do whatever they can to persecute illegal immigrants, regardless of what the law says. While it's nice to visit, I can't say I'll be sad to leave this state.

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