Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rachel Maddow as Fake President Obama Addresses the Nation on BP Oil Spill

I woke up this morning to sound of some jackass on NPR saying...well the cap is leaking, but it's nothing we should worry about. I would laugh if it weren't so deeply sad and disturbing. Don't worry? People if you aren't worried then you haven't been paying attention. I can't help but think about that part in An Inconvenient Truth where Al Gore breaks it down and says basically we are basically living out a very bad science experiment where between depleting our natural resources and polluting whatever is left, there is no telling what our lives are going look like...what this planet is going to be able to endure before rebelling against us. When I stop to think about it all, it's quite terrifying. Between the recent earthquakes in Chile and Haiti and the storms and this oil spill that is so epic we should probably coin another term for it like enormous oil disaster, I can't help feel like we are on the verge of some apocalyptic event that will forever change the face of this planet and may just be the happening to extinct us all. I don't want to be a dinosaur.

Obama, I voted for you. I don't regret it. In fact I know you've really done some amazing things, but this time take a note from Rachel Maddow please. Now is not the time for diplomatic bipartisan compromise...it is the time for radical action. I didn't vote for you out of any delusion that you are particularly radical, but hey...desperate times call for desperate measures. Now is the time for some drastic action. Please.

-a concerned citizen

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