Thursday, June 12, 2008

GOODBYE Sucky Job with great benefits, Hello Awesome Job with great benefits

If I wasn't catching a cold, my body's way of saying "you aren't sleeping enough and stop getting on planes", I would be turning cartwheels. I am internally indulging in a jubilant display of acrobatics. Then end is here. Today is my un-official last day at the job that sucks my soul. :). I have one meeting, a letter to write to make sure my assistant gets a pay raise and a promotion (my last act), and a little desk cleaning and I will be home and painting by 3:00pm!

Since it's my last day, and it never hurts to be thankful for what you had, I would like to express a little gratitude. Thank you crappy job for my health is fabulous. Thank you for my dental insurance. I got my many cavities filled last month. Thank you for quality chiropractic care with low co-pays. Thank you for my bus pass and good internet access. Thank you for the opportunities I've had to meet and interact with cool people. Thank you and GOODBYE!

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