Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Portland? I don't know.

The Universe is a fickle creature with an odd sense of humor and timing. Just when I have my big epiphany and decide i'm gonna ride off into the sunset, quit my job and become the great American writer, I get a call back from a job I had kind of forgotten I'd even applied for. An International Education job not in Seattle. I am in the top 5, they tell me, am I still interested? Can they interview me? Well I don't know...but I don't tell them that, I say yes on a whim and then I go to Portland and meet some very cool people and hear about a job I would have begged for last year. It meets my salary requirements, includes a wide range of profession development (including a possible free trip to NAFSA in HAWAII), and a lot of opportunity to build cool programs, train faculty, and travel (for FREE). Part of me is jumping up and down and the other part of me says..."when will you have time to write?" Again, I don't know what to do...scratch that...I did what I can do. I applied, I interviewed and now this part is up to them. I don't even know if they will want me or not, but it is so strange not to know what to hope for. I have another interview with a job in Seattle where I would have time to write....but professionally it would be more of a lateral move...a backwards move even, doing work I've done before. But it could be good. Alright universe, a little guidance please. I appreciated finding $40 in the QFC parking lot last week. Please drop some knowlege on me. I'll be checking by my shoes.

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