Next week is Literature Week at my school, so in preparation, the children have been writing amazing poetry....I mean absolutely fabulous. It has really inspired me. In our hallway hangs a magically creation called the Poetree where works from all grade, staff, parents, and faculty are displayed. I put up a few haiku. Lately I have not been writing that much poetry and it has been ages since I last slammed. I don't know, I guess it's like to being able to rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time, though I am usually proficient in multi-tasking, I find it hard to paint and write. I tend to do one or the other, and lately it's been painting. But I do miss the slam, and oddly enough I will be slamming on Monday at our all school assembly. Don't know what I'm going to read yet. Most of my poems are a little above the comprehension level or Kindergartners (at least I hope so :)), but here is a practice poem I wrote: inspired by the jar that lives by the copier.

The Poison Candy corn of Death
It sits
and lurks, and
calls my name, til
I must gorge and feel
ashamed, cause no amount
of pistachio nuts will rev me
up the same. I want sugar shaped
like traffic cones, so sweet I feel
it in my bones. Then I get jittery
and freak out, I twitch and pulse and
scream and shout, yes we all know what
its about, the candy corn of death. Oh but
how I love the autumn frosting on my tongue
that tells me halloween has come, and
poisoned me with the need to fill my belly
with the super sweet eat.
I love the candy corn of death
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