Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Finding Center

Has it really been that long since I last wrote? Damn. So here is the update, life is a bit like a pendulum swinging from one extreme to another, passing through moments of center, trying to slow and feeling the momentum pull me to the other side again. I'm sure there is some clinical term for it, but I just call it everyday.

I'm not sad exactly, not elated either, but rather wary. I take the good moments as they come and do the same with the bad and that seems to be enough to keep me getting up each morning. I will claim that after my two month job detox and a series of other letting go, I have found myself with more energy. There is that fire in my belly again and words in my head in a voice that sounds clearer, cleaner, more like who I used to think I was than who I would venture to guess I might be now. So I'm writing it down. And editing and reading, and re-reading and re-writing and kind of loving it. I got the galleys for my next book last night. It's called Love and Guatemala and I am actually pretty damn excited about it.

And there are other projects, a children's book, three novels, one of which is actually pretty complete. So I guess this is what this is be a writer with books. I've dreampt of this so long it feels a little anti-climatic. Oprah hasn't called me yet to tell me God, Hair, Love, and America is one of her favorite things...but I still have hope.

Yup. I'm actually doing pretty good.

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