Saturday, November 24, 2012

DesMoines Poetry Slam-Featuring REJJ

Two years ago...or maybe it was a million, feels like...I won the  poetry slam in Des Moines, Iowa. Jon, the local Slam-master told me that if I ever came back I could feature, so when I booked my ticket for Thanksgiving and my time in Iowa happened to coincide with their monthly slam I shot him an email and landed my first feature at a Slam.

What to read? Should I go off page? Did I need an intro? If you've ever written your own biography, you know it is really awkward. How do you brag without bragging? What is important for people to know about you? I still don't have any concrete answers, but it was fun to think about it all. To imagine what it would be like to be on stage again and to have more than 3 minutes to say what I wanted to say. And then the day came. I had hoped my grandmother would be up to coming out, but she didn't feel to good, so my mom and I headed to Java Joes.

I introduced myself to the crowd and performed as the sacrificial poet. Then there was a round of the slam and short break before I got to feature. I had been nervous all day, practicing and unpracticing, and even through my first poem I felt anxious, but when it was time for me to really do it, I felt good...more than that, I felt confident and comfortable. The audience was great. And several people bought my book afterwards. All in all, it was totally awesome...a repeatable occurance to be sure. Here is some video my mom shot. This is called No Love Poem for You:

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