Monday, November 15, 2010

Molestation or Homeland Security?

For those of you who missed the headline of USA Today, Today in the Sky, it reads: "Most OK with TSA full-body scanners", but what they don't say is that getting scanned is rapidly becoming the only alternative to getting molested. TSA chooses to use the term "pat-down", but let's call it what it is. If anyone is touching my private parts and they're not a licensed gynecologist or a very very lucky consensual partner, I think it's generally referred to as molestation, sexual assault, or the precursor to getting wheel kicked in the head.

So choose: get groped or allow the government to put you in an x-ray machine that is so detailed they can actually see your tampon. Hmm? Why is it that TSA just keeps coming up with more and more ways to strip of us of our civil liberties all the while preying on our fear of terrorism. I don't feel safer knowing I can't have a bottle of water on a plane. I am also not harboring any huge fears of getting stabbed by nail clippers or attacked by 4oz of cocoa butter. And I certainly don't feel safer knowing that now some neanderthal in a uniform will now be legally allowed to touch my genitals whenever I travel. And if you protest like John Tyner, a software engineer traveling through San Diego, you might be the one to get arrested and detained. Tyner was reported to have said: "If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested", shortly before his day went from not so great to shitty as he was denied access to his gate. I have to agree with Mr. Tyner.

Do I want to be able to travel safely? Yes, I am in no way an advocate for terrorism, but at what cost? I don't give a shit what Janet Napolitano says, I AM NOT BLOWING THIS OUT OF PROPORTION. This is very serious and very offensive. Ask yourself: How much are you willing to sacrifice to be held hostage by your fears? How many rights are you willing to relinquish to gain the illusion of safety? Because that's what it is, an illusion. You might go through the scan and the pat-down and still end up in a plane crash. Will your loved ones feel better to know you were groped before you died? If this is the next generation of security measure what comes after that? We're on a slippery slope America. We're living in scary times and I for one am saying NO. I'm not comfortable with it. I don't agree with it. Go back to the drawing board TSA and don't even think about touching "my junk".

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