Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A trip, A dream, An opportunity...

As I deepen my spiritual practice and enter into a space where I am discerning my goals and my life's path, I feel myself ever drawn back to my art, writing and traveling. I love teaching. I love the little school that I work for and it is a very comfortable existence, but there is something in me that says I am ready for my next step. Publishing my book of poetry and the subsequent positive reaction had given me much needed confidence, and more importantly perspective on what things are possible. Like so many people, I grew up with practical parents who raised me to think about life like a realist. While they always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, it was always within reason. Sure, be a writer, be a painter, be whatever, but make sure you can support yourself and make sure you have health insurance. There is an undeniable logic there, however, I have entered a place in my life where being logical is at odds with my greater good.

I am currently working on my first novel and I have decided that this July I want to travel around the world. I thought about all the ways I could make this happen. I looked at applying to work for semester at sea and the peace boat and all sorts of other programs where I could make use of my MA in International Education and also get to travel, but when it came down to it I realized that if I did a trip through an organization as an employee, I wouldn't really be having the experience I want to have. I want to visit an ashram and do love meditations at the Taj Mahal in India. I want to learn about Condomble in Brazil and visit Maori schools in New Zealand. I want to meet the children at our sister school in Barranquila, Colombia. I want to visit Ishmael Tete's church in Ghana.

There are so many places I want to go and so many things I want to see and do. Everything is telling me that the time is now, I just have to have the courage to step out on faith and believe I can really do this. So that said, I have put in my notice at my job. I will be finishing my contract at my little school and finishing out my lease in June and by July I would like to be on the first leg of my trip around the world.

Here is the thing. I'm not independently wealthy (yet). I have been saving and I have some money, but I don't have quite enough to really go everywhere I want to. It has been suggested that I scale back my trip, but I really don't want to diminish my experience. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity ...the chance for me to really live out my dream. I know that there are a million and one great causes to support, but this is one more, and I know you can find it in you to support my journey.

I am surrounded by people everyday who do what they think they have to do. They sacrifice their dreams for their children, or for their jobs, or sometimes simply because they don't have the guts to go for it...whatever the reason, they watch their dreams die. I've been that person. I've been the one who wants to do this or that, but in the end settles for what is possible and I am absolutely committed to not letting that happen to me again. I am ready to walk in my good. I am ready to shed my fears and follow my heart. Now here is what you can do to help: April 17, from noon to 10:00pm, I am hosting a fundraiser / art gallery at 1804 N. 51st Street in Seattle, WA 98103. Stop by, chill, snack, and shop. There will be art by several local artists as well as food and good music. This is a great opportunity for you to support someone in following their dream. Thank you.

1 comment:

Mind Training said...

Also, look into travel writing...I meet someone who traveled the world by bike and they wrote for travel magazines and got the money they needed when it became you can be on your trip and then send off a few proposals, get published and be on the next flight!!!