Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Best Day of My Life

Every morning at the little school I love and work for, the fourth grade participates in Morning Meeting. During Morning Meeting, which is part of this program called Responsive Classroom, we greet one another, share, and have some kind of activity. This morning after a goofy greeting we did this sharing activity where everyone had to write down some things that they did on the best day of their life. Then we folded up the papers and the fourth grade teacher read them one by one while each of us tried to guess whose day it was.

They wrote things like:
Yesterday when I went to the arboretum and played on the swings.
The first time I tried snowboarding.
When I got my first hamster.
Big fat bubbles floating in the air and me and friends pop them. Popsicles at the end.

As I tried to think of what to write, so many days came to mind. Road trips with my Dad, Ghana with my mom, birthdays with friends, or even by myself watching Circ Du Solei in Vegas, chillin on the beaches of Spain, driving to the Sea of Japan or maybe my best day ever was yesterday, waking up early to pray with my friends, getting to work on my novel, having time to clean out the mystery drawer in my desk and then eating good Indian food with some cool writers. I guess lately I feel like everyday is the best day of my life or can be. Maybe that's a sappy idea or a high ideal, but why not? When I look back on my life I hope it's always hard for me to pick just one best day. I want them all to be best days, whether I'm teaching verbs in Spanish to the fifth graders or learning how to samba in Brazil. It's all good. And that's the thing that stands out to me...the best day ever doesn't have to include popsicles or hot dudes or perfect weather, the only pre-requisite is happiness and a willingness to allow the good to flow. Are you willing? I am.

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