Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shining the Light

Recently I have been really thinking hard about shining the light. Anyone who grew up with any kind of Christian Background has probably heard the song "This Little Light of Mine". Well something I learned kind of early on is to moderate the shine. Some shine is nice, but if you shine too brightly, haterism rears it's ugly head. And this has lead to a lot of self silencing and subsequent self doubt. Perhaps that's why it felt so healing to take part in my little school's talent show...not as the light, but as the light bringer.

This year I was charged with the task of organizing a multitude of talented and energetic little people into a show which meant screening acts and bringing order to the chaos. At my school there are kids who sing, play the piano, the guitar, the violin...there are kids who like to act and one very awesome forth grader who is obsessed with Michael Jackson. When you put it all together it made for a fabulous show. Objectively some kids were a little more skillful in their light shining than others, but just the fact that they all had the courage to get out there and do their thing was inspiring. I was inspired. So inspired that I decided to audition for Jesus Christ Super Star...and I made the cast which means I will be singing and dancing and shining my light on stage at the Center for Spiritual Living on April 2 at 7:00pm. Can't wait!

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