Monday, July 13, 2009

Some Shorts

Here are a few of my new poems. REJJ ©.

Mimosas in summer...

She was a quiet poem
expanding into the summer night
the season wrapped around her
a dress of sleepless adventures.
She was the grace
of an expressive sky
full clouds shape shifting in the wind
the blossom of her hair
against a silver moon
the uneven swagger in stride,
on her lips,
the shy smile of an extra champagne
contained, self-possessed
a flush of unspilled secrets
in her eyes

Giving up

I am willing to give up
my insecurities,
my fears,
my stubborn sensibilities,
my baggage
I'll leave it on the free corner
and walk away
simply knowing
my journey will be better,

Your Attention Please

I don't want to be the invisible girl
don't want to take it all to heart
but hard to recover from
you forgetting me
never ever really seeing me
not even in periphery
when I'm all up in your face
trying to displace
the perfume
in the wake of some other girl
I want to be her,
Happy to be
walking away from you...

Unsettled Spirit

The restless anger inside me
like silt stirred from
the river bottom
muddies the water
clouds the peace.
I want to believe
that forgiveness is possible
is innate within
my genetic code.
Why would God suffer me
to be so easily stirred
without the ability
to settle.

To the beautiful black man sitting next to his white girlfriend: a haiku

Eyes glued to my ass,
I am NOT dancing for you.
Stop staring at me!

Taking it personal

It's always so damn personal.
The political is personal,
the professional is personal,
the everyday is personal,
the you and me is personal,
Tell me what is impersonal?
Not the way you looked at me
took a grater to my self esteem,
so hard to rise,
so easily unleavened
and I haven't learned how not to hate you
and I admit,
it's personal.

The Truth

I am afraid to be open,
but yet I'm all open,
all the time,
split lengthwise
and splayed to sun,
seeds scattered in the winds
planting my dreams
and hoping for rain,
hoping fear is unfounded.

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