Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Why I failed my Biology Final

The following is a story my Freshman Biology teacher told us before we were allowed to take the final-I didn't end up having enough time to finish and I totally failed, but I remember this story more than I remember any parts of the class. So here goes:

Once there was an architect. He was an amazing architect that designed both commercial buildings and luxury homes. All the rich and famous people sought him out to create their dream homes and he had a very successful and lucrative business. After a while he got kind of bored. It was hard for him to be a dream maker....using his gifts to make everyone else's visions come to life... but never really realizing his own. So he decided to retire, but before he could get all his affairs in order he was approached by a mysterious gentleman. The man told him he wanted a house. The architect was about to tell him that he was no longer building houses, but there was something about the man that made him curious. He ask the man what kind of house he wanted and the man answered: "I want you to build me your dream house, the house you would create for you, to your tastes."

"Well what kind of budget are we operating on?"

"Money is no object," said the man. "I will spend whatever it takes, just make sure it's perfect....exactly what you want it to be."

The architect was thrilled. He had been waiting his whole life for this opportunity. He thanked the man for such a gift and immediately set to work assembling blueprints and a crew of the best workers. He imported special glass and marble from Italy and crystal chandeliers from France. He brought in expert wood cutters and artisans to carve secret panels and to make each doorway unique. His days were consumed with getting everything just right, and for the first year it was wonderful, seeing his dream house come together. Then as construction was near completion, it began to bother him. Here was his dream house, and this other man was going to get to live in it. Even after making his commission and retiring, if he were to create the house again, it would never be an original and it bothered him. He just wanted to be done with the whole thing, so secretly, he began to cut corners. Instead of using original Moroccan tiles for the patio, he used a knock off of lesser quality. He didn't lay the foundation as deep as he could have. When one of the Chandeliers broke he replaced it with a glass one. No one could tell the difference though. From the outside the house was a marvel.

Once it was finished, the man hosted a huge gala to celebrate the completion of the house and to honor the career of the architect who had officially retired. The house was stunning, absolutely breathtaking. Once the guests had toured the house, everyone gathered in the ballroom. Waiters brought around champagne and when everyone had a glass the man raised his in a toast to the architect. By this time the architect just wanted to go home. He just wanted to be done with the house, but he smiled and nodded as graciously as he could when the man asked him to stand by him.

"Here's to you. To a man who has brought such beauty and light into the world. This house is truly a marvel."

The architect could hardly contain his irritation. He wished he had never met this man. But the man hadn't finished. He handed the architect a small beautifully wrapped box.

"This is for you," the man said. "Please, open it."

The architect carefully unwrapped the box, then opened it and inside was a pair of keys.

"These belong to you," he said. "This house is yours now. I have watched your work for years. I have seen how you have tirelessly worked to help realize the dreams of others and it became my wish that you would one day get to realize your own dream. This house is truly a marvel. And now it is yours."

The architect began to cry, and everyone thought he was crying tears of joy, but really he was thinking about the glass chandelier and every other short cut he had taken. He thanked the man. Then 6 months later, he committed suicide. He couldn't stand to live in the house he had made because in cheating the man, he had only cheated himself.

The Moral: Make sure you're building a house you can live in.

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