Monday, October 26, 2009

For the family of our dear departed one

History is a story we tell ourselves
after the fact
to give shape and control
to the things that just happened
and what can I tell you
about what happened
but that it was both an ending
and a beginning
a decision
an action
a choice
that broke so many hearts
and in one moment
freed a soul of its tethers
to concrete
and pain
and the push and pull
of this painted illusion
freed a soul to soar
peacefully to whatever comes next
finally and with finality
what could I tell you
about the broken hearts
left in your wake
but that they loved you
and will love you
to the best of their ability
broken or whole
and though not likely to immediately
reglue themselves
in picture perfect arrangements
these hearts will slowly
knit crooked seams
and bloom healed scars
more beautiful for having
known you,
and stronger still
for having learned
to let you fly.

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