Friday, September 11, 2009

Another Poem...rejj ©

Written yesterday on the 43 from Capitol Hill to the U-District, post fabulous massage.

I am collection
of hand me down flaws
dry heels
toes that overlap
asymmetrical eyes and breasts
teeth and hips that are spreading with time
a too loud laugh, a too soft voice
and so much anger,
cycling through me like the seasons
tornados of longing
monsoons of wanting more
quiet snow falls of desperation
that blanket the lava of dreams deferred,
and these too are hand me downs
stiched tight into the double helix of my DNA,
a whole world history
quilted on a seedling
scattered on the winds of the diaspora
Do you know my name?
Have you seen my face,
on a milk carton,
in the mirror,
on TV
looking back at you
from the pillow next to yours,
when you wake and when you sleep
And when you dream,
do you know my heart?
Can you piece me back together
so that it all make sense?
unknot the jumbled thread
unwind me and weave together
something beautiful,
something perfect
and simple and right
And if I can’t be perfect,
Can I at least be right
and simple
and beautiful?
If I can’t be perfect
then let each imperfection
be something worth loving
and let me love you
with my entire crooked heart
without comparisons,
without reservations,
without losing a single part of me,
just let me love you as I am
and try to love me for me.

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