Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Post Secret

I never considered myself much of a voyeur, but I found myself sucked into the secrets. The whole post secret project fascinates me: part confessional, part art project, these anthologies are literally a collection of secrets anonymously sent in on homemade postcards from people all over. They are every kind of secret, some funny, some cute, some terribly sad, some mean or scary. They tell the story you always wanted to know. And reading through them, I can't help but look at every passing stranger and wonder about their secrets. Is that person a secret santa or a serial killer?

What makes a good secret? What are the things that people don't say and why? How many secrets do you accumulate in one day, in one year? How do they shape who you become. Audrey Lorde says: "Silence has never brought us anything of worth". Do you think that's true? Check out the secrets online at

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