Monday, August 15, 2011

32 in GUATE

My birthday came and went with a flurry of disjointed celebrations. I took two days off from trip leading to hang out with my friends and experience Guate sans kids. There was dancing, tres leches cake, fireworks, horseback riding, and of course mojitos, but the highlight for me was going to el Cerro de Santa Domingo, this very cool sculpture park just outside of Antigua. It was late Thursday afternoon. Wendy, Paola and I had just had lunch at Cafe Condesa (french toast!)and we were headed to one of the Fincas (coffee plantations) for a tour on horse back, but it was too late. So instead, at the advice of a friend, Paola and I went to Santa Domingo.

We parked at the bottom of the hill than one of the staff called someone to come pick us up. We took an open air truck which drove us back and forth up and up the steep cobblestoned road. On either side were manicured lawns dotted with ocassional scultpures done in mosaic or like cutouts in metal. When we reached the top, we found ourselves in an indoor outdoor gallery. There were lots of animals made out of colorful mosiac...groups of snails, horses, birds, and all sorts of creautures and as we worked our way around the grounds we discovered murals, a giant bird cage filled with live parrots and quetzales (the Guatemalan national bird). There was a large outdoor chapel, and several other sculptures as well as an exhibit of large photos of local artists with their art.

It was so much fun to just wander around, but more than fun it felt inspiring and when I made it home to Dona Carola's house, I opened up a piece a writing I started several months ago and began to start working again. Here's to 32! I hope this year will bring more balance, more art, and hopefully a new house. I give thanks for every year I've been alive and I hope to live many more. Thanks to all my friends and family, new and old, for being such a blessing in my life.

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