Monday, January 4, 2016

Visioning with my family

Though we all had the same pragmatic Episcopal upbringing, I realized that I have become the family Woo…you know that cooky aunt who talks to spirits, hangs crystals on the windows and wears a lot of purple. I think there is one in every family and in my family it’s me.

Around 2006 I started going to this place called the Center for Spiritual Living. This was my first introduction to Religious Science. If you’ve ever watched Oprah…and well hasn’t everyone watched Oprah…she talks about the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams. That’s know as “new thought” which is actually a misnomer because when you get more into it, these thoughts are ancient and intuitive. I have always intrinsically known without a doubt that there was a God…my questions, curiosity and doubts have been based mostly on me not fully believing in what other fallible human beings have said about God. I mean am I really going to go to hell for eating pork or wearing pants? Is there even a hell to go to that isn’t already right here on earth? I don’t know for sure, but let’s just say a lot of traditional beliefs have left me skeptical.

I digress. Through my adventures in spirituality I completed a two year course of study and become a practitioner of Religious Science which is a fancy way of saying that I am a professional prayer who sometimes leads meditations or teaches workshops on visioning.

To that end my mom asked me to lead a mini visioning workshop. We had our first session on Christmas after dinner, just me, her, and her new man-friend. They had both done some visioning before so we weren’t starting from scratch. In fact my mom pulled up her board and we did some sifting through magazines to start supplementing her current collage.

A few days later my aunt and uncle arrived from out of town and mom set her intention that I would lead us in some more visioning. Of course then we got sidetracked by taking long walks, playing the slot machines at the Casino, going to the movies, and in general having a really fun and different holiday for us.

So it wasn’t until literally 20 minutes before I had to go the airport that we gathered together in the kitchen so I could explain this whole visioning thing and give the cliff’s notes version of the workshops I’ve hosted. Since I had such little time I wanted to use this post as a supplement, but whether it’s your first time or your fiftieth, I hope this might be of use as you begin 2016.

What is visioning?
Visioning is a creative brainstorm…and when I say creative I mean it in the truest sense of the word. You are using your imagination to create a clear understanding of what you want to see in your life.  This can be done in lots of ways, but an easy and fun way to start is with a vision board, which is a collage of how you want your life to be. So get out your paints, crayons, magazines, scissors, and glue sticks…whatever you have that you want to use. I like to start with a picture of myself really happy as the center of my vision because ultimately my happiness is central to everything else. What is the point of being rich, thin, and married to the Rock if it doesn’t make you happy?

Whether you know it or not, you are using your imagination all of the time. The worst possible scenario often dances through my mind. Oh shit, I’m leaving 15 minutes late to work. I 90 is going to be a parking lot, then when I finally hit the 405 I’m going to be so late I’ll have to speed, then I’ll get pulled over for a speeding ticket. I don’t have time to go to traffic court.  What if the cop is racist and I end up like Sandra Bland? And so on so forth. Where did that come from?

Have I ever experienced shitty traffic or racist cops before? Sure. But I have also found myself miraculously falling in love with the gorgeousness of the pacific northwest while crossing the floating bridge, sailing through smooth traffic to arrive 20 minutes early to work even after leaving at the same time as the previous day.

Why is it that my mind most frequently gravitates toward the negative point of attraction? I don’t know, but just like a dog that leaps out at every stranger that passes through the door, these wild and savage negative fantasies can be trained. It is my mind after all. I’m in the metaphorical driver’s seat.

So what would happen if you started to have positive daydreams? What would happen if you started to set intentions? For example instead of waking up in a panic I could wake up and think: I’m going to have an awesome day today. I’m going to get to work early and find that my boss has made cookies and that we’ve exceeded our fundraising goal and are exceptionally well positioned to start our fiscal year.  Maybe that’s what happens, maybe it isn’t.

What actually happens is that when I prepare myself for good things to happen, I start noticing good things happening. Maybe those things were already happening. Who knows? But the point is that in shifting my mind set I am now more predisposed to noticing the good. Which brings me to something of vital importance when it comes to visioning. Gratitude.

The Importance of Gratitude
When I was a kid my mom used to make me write thank you notes any time I received a gift…often before I was even able to use the gift. Did your godmother send that to you? Did you send her a thank you note? These were common refrains. To that end it has been instilled in me that if you like something and you want it to continue it only makes sense to thank the Universe. You got a new job? Thanks Universe! You got a raise? Thanks Universe! You met some really awesome person who might just be your new boo or your new best friend? Yes. Thank You. I’ll take some more of that.

So you can vision all you want, but if you can’t look around and begin to be thankful for what you already have, how can you expect the Universe to give you more? So even if you are really in a shitty stage of life. You hate your job, you’re broke, friendless, and alone, in poor health or whatever else, look around and find something to be grateful for. Because as your gratitude begins to grow you will notice that your experiences of things you can be grateful for will grow to match. It works. Seriously. If you don’t believe me, take it for a test drive. Spend a week writing down 3 things you’re grateful for every day and by the end of the week 3 will begin to seem limiting.

Advanced Gratitude: Something I started doing this year was being grateful even for shitty things. That’s right. I actually had a gratitude partner and I would write her an email at the end of the day: I’m grateful for the asshole who put a dent in my car and didn’t leave a note. I’m grateful for feeling fat in all my clothes. I’m grateful for having a job I love.

This felt weird at first. I was afraid that bring thankful for the “bad” things would bring more bad things to me, but instead what it did was it cultivated a feeling of non-attachment.  I began to just feel grateful for life. Shit happens, so do miracles…and as an excitable person I’ve been surfing these highs and lows all my life. Something good happens…my life is so wonderful! Something bad happens…why does God hate me? It’s not personal, I just take it personally. So what happens if what happens is just what happens…it’s not a result of me being naughty or nice. The Universe may be all seeing but it’s not Santa.

As I first became more aware of and then detached from this internalized understanding of my life as a meritocracy, I felt freer to vision. Because if no one is out there punishing or blessing me, then maybe no one outside of me is pulling the puppet strings that control my life. Maybe I can control my life…or even better, I can create for myself what I want to see in my life. Maybe I have actually created everything in my life, the good the bad and the ugly…and from that place of accepting my own power I realized I create something different. This is the kind of gratitude that comes with responsibility, but it’s the best kind of responsibility because even if you aren’t where you want to be, you can make different decisions.

Mental equivalent
In my mini-visioning workshop with my family my goal was not to complete anything, but rather get them started. To that end I gave them the homework of building a success resume.  A success resume is a list of the times in your life when you felt the most successful or when you succeeded in feeling the happiest or most fulfilled. These can be big moments or small…waking up in the morning next to the person you’re in love with, graduating from school, getting promoted at work, winning an award, or simply feeling great in your body. Whatever does it for you…makes your heart sing, makes your soul shout yes. I swear you have had at the very least one of these moments. In fact if you really think about it, your life is riddled with greatness, evidence that you are absolutely capable of embodying joy and accomplishing the work of having your dreams come true.

The point of creating a success resume is to establish your mental equivalent. That’s a fancy way of saying what you believe. For example I have discovered that in my mind I have a belief that getting a job is easy.  That’s right. I’ve been working since I was 15. People love paying me to do stuff. So when I became unemployed it was not as stressful as it could have been because I knew that I would find work when I needed to and I did.  In that area of my life I have confidence and ease. That is the sign of a healthy mental equivalent, a belief that is serving me well.

In other areas of my life, for example with dating, I do not have the same mental equivalent. Even though I have fallen in love and had relationships before, they have not all been what I would call successful. I’m at an age where I have gone through several waves of my friends falling in love, then getting married and now having babies. And from the outside it all looked so effortless, like figure skating. But when I tried it, well it was a like if I were to try a double axel…medical traumatizing. To that end I have realized that I have inadvertently started cultivating some negative beliefs that are not serving me well.

When a relationship ends I am filled with feelings of I fucked it up again (even when I really didn’t) and oh God I’m never going to find the guy I want (which I know is absolutely not true). Whereas when a job ends (even if it doesn’t end well…which for me, it usually does) I am usually relieved and excited for the next challenge and to make more money. I’m not stuck or holding onto why it didn’t work. I’m already in the flow.

I’m not telling you this to be self-deprecating, but to let you know that just because you are strong in one area of your life does not mean that you are strong in all areas of your life and that is okay. Start where you are. Acknowledge which of your beliefs are working for you (and which ones are not) and see if you can allow this to help boost your confidence. Your strengths are transferrable assets.

For example, if you are awesome with friendships and have deep meaningful fulfilling relationships with ease, but you are a disaster with money and perpetually broke, use your strength to set your new mental equivalent. Take the feeling of ease and prosperity that you experience in your relationships and apply it to start envisioning a new vitality in your relationship with your money. Make money your friend. Sound easy? Sometimes it is and sometimes it’s not, but every time I’ve been successful in upleveling my mental equivalent I’ve been thrilled with the result.

How do you know when you’ve upleveled?
Your vision will begin to manifest. For example, I was born premature and was often sick as a child. In fact I missed 6 whole months of my Sophmore year of high school because I was ill. My parent often said things like “you can’t take Reagan to the corner without her getting sick.” This became my belief. Then one year I had this incredible revelation that my physical health was interrelated with my mental health. I began to notice that when I got sick it was usually because I was tired and overwhelmed. It was like my body’s way of saying sit down and be quiet.

My mind and body had probably sent me this message multiple times, but I wasn’t really listening. When I got sick, I had no choice but to listen. That is a very different story than me just being a sickly kid. That is a story where I have the power to change the outcome. And so I began to make the choice
to pay attention. If I started to feel overwhelmed or tired, I took a pre-emptive day for self-care and rest.

Do I still get sick? Sometimes, but not like before. I used to get strep throat and bronchitis at least once a year. I thought it was normal. It’s not. Just recently I got a letter for my doctor saying she hasn’t seen me for 17 months. Yes I’m overdue for my well woman check up, but WOW I haven’t been sick and needed to see a doctor since 2013. For me that’s upleveling.

So I make a vision board and then what?
So you’ve made your success resume and put together this awesome collage of what you want your life to look like. Now what? There is no wrong way to proceed. Some people put it away and then look at in 6 months like a time capsule. Some look at it everyday. I’m in the look at it every day school of thought. I put my vision board in a place where I see it every time I wake up. I like to meditate with it as a focal point, but that being said, the point is not the board, it’s the vision.

Just through going through the process of thinking deeply about what you want often helps clear out the cobwebs of what you don’t want or at least provides you with a sense of clarity about where you are and where you want to be. To that end, don’t be surprised if your vision changes. Sometimes what you think you want changes.

The power of emotion
In Hawaii there is a word that they use to describe non-native Hawaiians – Haole. It translates to without breath, because when many foreigners arrived in Hawaii they didn’t know how to conduct the native greeting which involved touching noses and breathing in each other’s essence.  Though it’s commonly used when you think about it, the insult is severe, saying you have no breath, no essence, is like saying you are soulless.

Many people are Hoale about visioning. They cut out some pretty pictures. Oh here’s a nice car. Oh I like the picture of that couple kissing. Oh let me cut out this check for a million dollars. But they don’t really believe in their vision. It’s just some magazine clippings. When they look it, there is no spark, no life. When you finish your vision board you’ll know you’re done when you look at it and every part of you says YES! If you aren’t able to feel that either you need to revise your board until you do or you need to cultivate a sense of excitement. If you knew that everything you put on your board would come true, wouldn’t you be excited about it? Wouldn’t you go to bed like it was the night before the best Christmas ever?

Well it’s up to you to make it true and if that feels like too much pressure then at the very least indulge yourself in a little make believe.

Did you ever have an imaginary friend? I had whole imaginary worlds. Now-a-days people might diagnose it as something bad, but when I was growing up as an only child, this was called being self entertained (it’s a life skill!). Give me a my little pony, some tinker toys, and Legos and that was enough to keep me busy for hours. I also think it was the start of my obsession with fiction writing.

Fast forward I have begun to tap back into my childhood creativity to give my visioning a jump-start. Recently I became the teaching assistant for a Live Your Dreams class through the Amazing Grace Spiritual Center. It’s 40 weeks and everyone in the class supports one another to realize our dreams. Something my small group and I have done that’s been super juicy is that we began sending one another “act as if” emails where we wrote to one another from the future in which all our dreams had come true. I got letters from Paris where people were on vacation. I got letters talking about the incredible things they had achieved. One week I wrote an email every day and at the end of it one of the women in my group sent me one back asking if we were still playing or if these things had happened because what I wrote was so real! That’s not hoale. That is breathing life into your vision.

The Recap
  • ·      Get clear on what you want.
  • ·      Feel grateful for what you have.
  • ·      Cultivate your own sense of worthiness.
  • ·      Create new beliefs that support you in getting what you want.
  • ·      Breathe life into your vision.

Now watch your life bloom into it’s best possible version and enjoy the ride! Feel free to post any questions or responses in the comment section below.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I'm Back!

Not to get all resolutiony about it, I’ve decided to start blogging again or more to the truth to start writing for fun again. A cool thing happened in 2015. I actually made enough money through my writing to pay for my mortgage for the first time. It was pretty momentous and a F@#! you to all the haters who ever insinuated that writing isn’t a real job and could never pay the bills. In fact writing can and did, but somehow my writing for fun time disappeared or more accurately was replaced by writing for money. Not to say that writing for money isn’t fun. It is a beautiful alchemy of two things I enjoy very much, and yet there is something about writing at my own pace, without a deadline or an editor that feels good. So here I go…