Wednesday, December 28, 2011


As another year comes to an end, I find myself once more in a contemplative mood.In many ways 2011 has been good to me. I moved back to Seattle, began my career with a small non profit, visited Guatemala three times, and bought my first house. But it was not a year free from sadness or stress. Work, while rewarding has stripped me of my social life and left me feeling depleted and imbalanced. I also had to say last goodbyes to two very special people: my grandmother and my friend Anita.

All of these transitions, both for better and worse have left me wondering once more, is this all there is? Am I where I'm supposed to be? Am I getting right? And for the millionth time I'm struck by the ambiguity of it all. But here I am, once more at the end of one thing and the beginning of the next, poised to move forward into the blank canvas of 2012, year of the dragon. Ready or not...